Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Bumble Bees

Bumblebee nests are first constructed by over-wintered queens in the spring (in temperate areas). Upon emerging from hibernation, the queen collects pollen and nectar from flowers and searches for a suitable nest site. The characteristics of the nest site vary among bumblebee species, with some species preferring to nest in underground holes and others in tussock grass or directly on the ground. Once the queen has found a site, she prepares wax pots to store food, and wax cells into which eggs are laid.


  1. I have done research on bumble bee behavior before, but I never had a good enough camera to get cool pictures.

  2. Cool pic and interesting information :)

  3. i didn't know most of this. i guess i live and learn.

  4. bee !! it look interessant ! tanks

  5. Interesting. Keep it up, I'd like to know more.

  6. Bumblebees scare the shit out of me. They're freakin' HUGE! I can deal with the little guys, but something about a bumblebee flying my way just freaks me out.
